Generation Hope is our youth branch, for young people aged 11-25 who want to make a difference in society. They make and maintain friendships with like-minded others, develop knowledge and skills, and encourage their friends (and be encouraged by them) to live a life that will often be counter cultural. Our Youth Council oversees the direction of Generation Hope.

Involvement includes activity weekends, all-day workshops to develop knowledge and skills (see events), and opportunities to get involved in peer-led drug education alongside Hope UK staff and volunteers. (Examples include speaking to MPs at the Houses of Parliament and doing drug education at shopping centres and other informal venues.)

We also have opportunities for work experience in our Kettering office.

(All health & safety and safeguarding regulations and guidelines are observed, and all our workers are DBS checked every two years.)

See our events at the bottom of this page for information about events for young people.

(All health & safety and safeguarding regulations and guidelines are observed and all our workers are DBS checked every two years.)


“The main issue of today’s youth, amongst girls particularly, is that they have absolutely no self-confidence. I hear too much of “I’m so ugly”, “I’m so fat, no boy/girl is ever going to look at me twice”, “I’m super nervous about everything”, “I’m gonna do terrible at this”. And that they do not have the confidence to stand up for themselves and they let other people push them around. The good thing about Generation Hope is that we are taught how to be confident, and how to say ‘no’. These are two life skills that we are not taught in school, but should be. It is really important that we learn these things, so it is really good we have organisations like Generation Hope who will teach us these things.”

Girl, Age 12


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7:30 pm County Lines – online training c... @ Online event via Zoom
County Lines – online training c... @ Online event via Zoom
Feb 13 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
County Lines - online training course @ Online event via Zoom
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7:30 pm Vaping – online training course @ Online event via Zoom
Vaping – online training course @ Online event via Zoom
Mar 18 @ 7:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Vaping - online training course @ Online event via Zoom
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